The following is a sample of how to setup some basic DOS commands in the Waiter Menu. All DOS commands should run without any trouble from the menu using the following examples a guide. FORMAT A DISK IN DRIVE A: (THIS FORMATS A LOW DENSITY DISK IN DRIVE A:) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu Description :Format a disk in drive A: : File Name :FORMAT.EXE : Program Path :C:\DOS : Working Directory : : Command Line :A: /4 : Password : : Batch / Direct :D: Prompt for Cmdln :N: Pause on return :N: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHECK DISK FOR ERRORS (If we wanted to use the /F switch, we would place in in the command line field. We could also prompt the user to enter the switchs by entering a Y in the prompt for cmdln field.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu Description :Check Disk for errors : File Name :CHKDSK.COM : Program Path :C:\DOS : Working Directory : : Command Line : : Password : : Batch / Direct :B: Prompt for Cmdln :N: Pause on return :Y: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY A DISK FILE (This command shows how versatle a menu selection can be. This one item can be used to copy files just like the user was at the DOS prompt. By prompting the user for the command line, they can enter parameters like, C:\*.BAT A:\ /V or *.* \BACKUP etc....) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu Description :Copy a file : File Name :COPY : Program Path : : Working Directory : : Command Line : : Password : : Batch / Direct :D: Prompt for Cmdln :Y: Pause on return :N: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET THE SYSTEM DATE (Very simple function to set the system date. Time can be set the same way by replacing DATE with TIME.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu Description :Date, set system : File Name :DATE : Program Path : : Working Directory : : Command Line : : Password : : Batch / Direct :D: Prompt for Cmdln :N: Pause on return :Y: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOAD SIDEKICK PLUS/MEMORY RESIDENT (I use this all the time to load Sidekick Plus from the Waiter. By selecting the BATCH mode of operation to ensure that the Waiter is not still loaded in memory I am able to load TSR's without any problems. I also pause on return so I can see how much available memory Sidekick reports that I have left.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menu Description :SideKick Plus : File Name :SKPLUS.EXE : Program Path :C:\SK : Working Directory :C:\SK : Command Line : : Password : : Batch / Direct :B: Prompt for Cmdln :N: Pause on return :Y: --------------------------------------------------------------------------